Plan for Success

Conducting a mature evaluation of present master data in terms of people, processes, technology, and governance that would enable businesses to establish a realistic timeline for the work that needs to be done.

● Proper tools for to support successful processes

● Successful ERP implementation
– Netsuite
– The pros and cons of Excel
– Legacy AS400

● Integrating Management Systems​
– (WMS) Warehouse Management System​
– (IMS) Inventory Management System
– Planning and scheduling tools
– Clarifying financial objectives within systems

● Differentiating thematic goal with standard operating objec​tives (KPIs)

● Creating cohesive product strategies
– Dealing with excess inventorr and obsolescence​
– Avoiding SKU proliferation
– Pareto Analysis for product catalog and customer requirements

● Creating sales forecasts​
– Factoring for seasonal/cyclical products​

● ABCD Analysis to decrease inventory and increase on-time deliveries